De: Lukas
Data: Sexta-feira, 23 de Outubro de 1998 12:43
Favelas in India and Brasil
Hi Lucia
I was on holiday and couldn't read your messages. Unfortunately I can't open your pictures, I have to find a way first......
I have seen some slums in India and was working as an architect for a site like this, but also for more better situated people. I can scan some of the photos of Doshis work for the poor people in India and some ideas behind it if you like.Last week i found his e-mail number, I'l give it to you later. Anyway. What can I do (living in Switzerland) and what could Mr Doshi do (living in India) for you in Rio. The political situatuin might be very different, also the social. I would suggest you to study Doshis concept and learn from it. (?) Tell me if you want more and I try to send you some fotos and I could also fax some copies from the book of the UIA futures and cities (in sanish if you like)