De: "Martin Taylor"

Para: "Lucia"

Enviada em: sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2000 15:05

Assunto: Favela Bairro

Estao boscando por informatioes, mapas, photos, data, etc, sobre o barrio Santa Marta, Botafogo, Can anybody help me?

De: "Maria Lucia Massot"

Para: "Martin Taylor"

Enviada em: sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2000 20:47

Assunto: Re: Morro Dona Marta - Bairro de Botafogo

I am sorry, but you have to ask the Secretaria de Habitação (Housing Secretary), at the City Hall. The
 homepage is: and e-mail

Maria Lucia

De: "Martin Taylor"

Para: "Maria Lucia Massot"

Enviada em: quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2000 18:31

Assunto: RE: Bairro Favela

Thanks for your communication.

 I have found your web-site really informative, in fact, it has provided me with much more information than any other sources. The government websites don't really give the information I require, and they don't respond to my e-mails! You obviously have a little more luck in getting a response out of  people.

 I also enjoyed reading your dissertation, or at least as much as I can read  before my concentration fails (portuguese not so good!)

Anyway, thanks for your contribution to the flow of information, I would be really grateful for a brief summary of your views on Bairro Favela and Bairrinho, and my notional project which, by it's very nature suggests positive development within these areas.

 All the best, Martin Taylor

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